AP Mommy Time to renew

AP Mommy
Time to renew my subscription to The Compleat Mother.
The AP people would think I am a good AP Mommy because I am still happily nursing Fastolph (who will be four 4/22). I have been keeping his nursing down to once a day, but alas, I think Fastolph needs a 12 Step program. Here is an exchange we had today in the car, while waiting for Daddy to do some post officy business in the post office.
Fastolph:”Can I have Mommyjuice?”
Me:”No, not now.”
Fastolph:”But why? I yike it.”
Me:”Now is not a very good time, while we are waiting in the car.”
Fastolph:”But I’m big.”
Me:thinking to self “uh, yeah”
Fastolph:”Pweeeeze, it’s good for me.”
Me:”No, not now. You do not need Mommyjuice all the time.”
Fastolph:sucks teeth and says “Oh!”