So much to blog, so little time

We are going out of town this weekend so I’ve been busy getting ready. Yesterday was a big errand day, including a stop at the optician’s. Something’s wrong with my new glasses: I don’t have good distance vision out of my left eye. It’s beginning to get inconvenient; I’m finding myself turning my head to favor my fully-corrected right eye. It’s especially annoying when I’m driving and can’t read street signs, or in a store when I’m barraged with signs that are slightly out of focus.
Anyway, they checked the prescription and it was filled correctly, so next week I go back to the optometrist’s. The opticians will refill the prescription at no charge (that was a big relief!) I hope I will not lose my granolacon credentials when I say I am so thankful for all this new technology — I am nearsighted and have astigmatism, yet I can enjoy fully corrected vision with scratch-resistant lenses that don’t totally resemble the bottoms of Coke bottles (back when they were made out of glass.) For that matter, remember when glasses were made of glass? When I was a kid I would have to wait for a week to get my new glasses, but Lenscrafters can have two new pairs ready for me in an hour.
Today I am washing and waxing the car. Hambet was an eager helper while we were vacuuming, but he got tired (it’s really hot out) and went back inside. I’m back in to give him some lunch before I go out to wax it. Why is detailing a car so much more fun than detailing a bathroom?
I am not sure why I’m detailing the car instead of washing and packing clothes. Part of it was just being sick of having a dirty car. Part of it may be since we’ve just done all this work on the Moss-mobile, it seems right to have it nice and clean. Part of it was being really embarrassed at all the Cheerios in the crevices when I went to bring it in (there weren’t that many, but I was still embarrassed…. and I should, in fairness, note that there were plenty of coffee splashes, too.)
Part of it is that in our travels this weekend, we are going to be seeing my dad, whose car always looks awful but who always has a great deal of (good) advice on how to keep a car looking nice. When we were there last summer, he went messing around with our windshield and putting some kind of magic preparation on it — something about making the rain bead up. We were getting kind of annoyed in that he went doing this when we were trying to get going on our road trip to Bismarck. But we were thankful on the way back, when we got caught in one of the heaviest thunderstorms I’ve ever seen in my life — the windshield elixer really made the rain bead up, and it made a hugh improvement in the visibility. (It’s called Rain-X or something like that, and yes, I’m going to put some on the car today.)
As long as I’m endorsing things, let me endorse the baby pictures at Papa-Lu’s and the mommy blogs A Call to Adventure, Princess Mommy, and Ruminations. And while we’re on the topic of thankfulness, go catch up on Katholik Shinja and be thankful if you live in a country where free speech is protected.


  1. Thanks for linking to me…but you put my URL in Princess Mommies spot, and I think it must be her reading list you are referring to, since I don’t have one. I’d love to see hers though!
    I discovered your blog about a week ago and have been thoroughly enjoying it. Keep up the good work ladies!

  2. Peony wrote:
    I am nearsighted and have astigmatism, yet I can enjoy fully corrected vision with scratch-resistant lenses that don’t totally resemble the bottoms of Coke bottles (back when they were made out of glass.)
    Me too. I never even thought of it as affecting my “granolacon” credibility. I have around 20/700 vision and I believe severe astigmatism, so IIRC I had to wait instead of just getting something “off the rack,” definitely to get my contacts (I don’t wear those anymore) but maybe also for my glasses at the insta-service place. I’m not sure our current insurance would cover the non-Coke bottle design. The ones I have now are curved so that they’re maybe a quarter inch thick at their widest but the hinges kind of cover that up, and they are a lot thinner in the front middle part. They are 4 1/2 years old and I don’t seem to need a replacement yet.

  3. Have a good trip!
    Thanks for the plug and the photo bucket advice, and btw, I was perfectly willing to listen to my wife talk about the fireworks show during the next commercial. 🙂

  4. Thanks for plugging me too! You’re putting me to shame, cleaning out your car and all. We’re also going out of town for the weekend but we’ll be leaving in a messy car and I’m sure we’ll return in one. Oh, well. Love your blog. Now if I could just figure out how to get mine as cute as yours…

  5. Jordan — thanks for the alert; I’ve fixed Princess Mommy’s link. I apologize for the mix-up on the reading list; I came across several mommy blogs new to me this week, and now I can’t remember who had the funny title for her reading list! Next time I come across it I’ll post it right away. Anne at Ruminations has two books up (in the main column) that I’ve been wanting to read for a long time.
    Mama Owl — the granolacon thing is just a little joke; there are some in that camp who take a serious look at how many modern conveniences (most obviously television, but also things like dishwashers and even electric lighting) have changed our lives for the worse in subtle, unexpected ways. We have lousy dental insurance but quite satisfactory vision insurance, so I was able to get the highly refractive plastic lenses. They’re still a good quarter-inch thick at the rim, though. btw I owe you about 1000 emails and I will try to catch up when we get back.
    Anne — so do you have green gables on your house? 😉 Yes, my car is clean. Just don’t ask me about my house.
    Chris — your baby is SOOOOOOOOO cute, especially that picture of him napping on your shoulder. That one really brought me back — Daddy’s shoulder was baby Hambet’s favorite place to nap, too.

  6. *blushing* Duh, it *might* have been my booklist afterall. I knew I had one, but I just updated my template a day or so ago and accidentaly didn’t put it back on…until now! So there I am looking at my site going, “I don’t have a book list…hmmmm.” Man, I need more sleep! My book list was the “bibliovores menu”, with the Hobbit, Hail Holy Queen, and a few other books on it. Was it me? 🙂

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