
1. make coffee
2. make bacon
3. put the car seat pad in the dryer
(Note to self: remind husband that cars, fruit pies, and three-year-olds do not mix)
4. Despam the blog
5. get dressed
6. drink coffee
7. finish dishes
8. check on car seat
9. get Hambet dressed, fed, and in a car seat by 8:30 — use spare if necessary
9.5 Say rosary in car; plan another time of prayer today.
10. pack some letters, catalogs, cookbooks
11. take Hambet to preschool; while he’s in class drink coffee with other moms and write letters, peruse catalogs and cookbooks.
12. Come home. Stop by Safeway for ground beef if Hambet isn’t too tired.
12.5 eat lunch
13. Declutter dining room table.
14. Dust and vacuum downstairs.
15. Get Hambet down for nap. (move to 12.75 if feasible.)
16. Call client.
17. Start supper (note to self — check condition of lettuce; add to grocery list if necessary)
18. If time permits make sample scrapbook page.
19. Serve supper.
19.5 Put Hambet in pajamas.
20. Welcome clients to scrapbook class.


  1. 9. Say rosary in car;
    I do this every morning! It’s about the only time of day I actually can say the rosary without being interrupted. When I’m driving around town for work, I will actually say the Franciscan crown rosary (time permitting), and I say the Chaplet of divine mercy on my way home.

  2. I say it on the bus into work. I get a little distracted and it’s hard to focus, but it sure beats falling asleep in the middle of it like when I say it before bed.
    Hope the class goes well!!
    Keeping you all in my prayers!

  3. So how was the class? I can’t imagine being organized enough to manage it, but maybe someday….

  4. Well, I got everything done except the food shopping and the nap. I tried to see if hubby could swing by the store on his way home but I didn’t catch him, so we ended up ordering pizza.
    The class went great. This is actually an ongoing course — I am piloting a course in which the participants complete an album in five three-hour sessions. Like anything else, it’s a lot easier to be organized if you’re using good tools. Last night one of the participants organized an entire 15 sheet album.

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