I Am So Proud of Myself

I have to write about it. You know how you read “do this for good health, and do that?” and you go ahead and do it, but you never know if you are really making yourself healthier. I mean the obvious results would be weight loss, and I seem to have been plateauing since forever. I suppose I could stop eating and take up smoking and that would look better, but not be healthier. Well I had a check-up last week and the doctor ordered a full blood work-up. He was concerned about some issues due to family history.
I got my blood work back and I am healthy Deo Gratias. But my cholesterol levels, my HDL
(good cholesterol) was 92, my LDL (bad cholesterol) was in the 30’s and my triglycerides were in the 60’s. My doctor said this was one of the best cholesterol panel he has ever seen and (this is the part Rosey Posey refuses to believe) that he can tell I eat lots of vegetables and exercises a great deal. Rosey Posey said I must be lying and eating vegetables can’t possibly good for you (she doesn’t like vegetables).
Anyway, this is a stupid small victory. I haven’t had many of them lately and I am overdo methinks.


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