Nuthin’ much I measured out

Nuthin’ much
I measured out my garden yesterday. We want to expand the garden and put paving stones around it so it’s easier to get at the plants and mow the surrounding lawn. So it looks like we’ll have some digging to do, expanding the garden by four feet one way and one foot the other.
I succumbed to St Blog’s peer pressure and rented a Veggie Tales video (i have never seen the Veggies!) so we’ll check that out sometime this week.
Mark Shea has a nice piece up on Parrot Prayer. He also touches on the habit among some fundamentalists of using “just” , in the words of one of chirp’s commenters a few weeks ago, “like so much pepper” in their prayers: “Lord, I just want to thank you for this beautiful day and for just making us able to enjoy it and just worship you and praise you this morning,” etc
I would like to find a nice little Morning Offering to start teaching Hambet. So far he has not mimicked prayers, but will sometimes start talking about “Baby Jesus, Meh-ry, Jo-feff.”
I wish there were more religous board books available with both good text and really nice illustrations. His “Our Father” board book (a gift) has a picture of Jesus on the front, but no pictures of Him on the inside — just an androgynous kid playing with a dog. Other board books have better text, but really ugly illustrations.
I have been a seriously sleepy Mommy the last couple of days. Not physically tired, but mentally tired, early in the evening. I’ve been thinking about bed as early as six at night and haven’t lasted long beyond eight thirty or nine before I succumb to the craving for REM sleep. And when I get to sleep, I’ve been having long, vivid dreams, so intense that I’m tired when I wake up from dreaming. I wonder what’s going on? (and no, I’m not pregnant….)