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De Fidei Oboedientia
Mallon’s Media Watch
Jeanetta is proof that there is at least one Catholic in Rochester who’s thinking about faith and obedience. I suspect Pansy can totally relate to her struggles. I certainly can; I went to college in the Diocese of Richmond. I was almost totally uncatechized and knew nothing about rubrics, Tradition, and thinking with the Church, but I still had a “something’s not right here” feeling the whole time I was there.
Mr. John Mallon is a contributing editor to Inside the Vatican. I help one of the ladies from my previous parish choose books and magazines for the parish book rack, and every month this magazine sells out the first weekend she puts it up (while the aging hippie journals of dissent just sit there until their trip to the nursing home at the end of the month.)
Inside the Vatican is a sister publication to Canticle, a journal for Catholic women. So much good, thought-provoking writing! Check out these articles on mother-infant bonding. I’ve permalinked Canticle (and will be renewing my own subscription soon.)