Peony, I disagree with you

Peony, I disagree with you on this one.
First time for everything? Although I can see where you are coming from in regard to personal freedom and all.

Our county council is trying really hard to get one passed. I do not like the idea, even though I personally prefer to dine at smoke-free restaurants. If an owner of a bar wants to permit smoking, he should be able to do so.

I suppose I can understand smoking in bars, well not really, but that is my opinion. I can say as the mother of three asthmatics, it has been a breath of fresh air (no pun intended) to be able to go to a family friendly restaurant and not worry about it bringing on an asthma attack. I am totally willing to admit that I am projecting my own situation into this, and turning into my therapy. I mean I guess I should figure that taking asthmatic children to restaurants is not prudent. All I know is that this legislation has made my life slightly easier. I just do not think children should have second hand smoke imposed on them.