Back to the Routine We

Back to the Routine
We came back last night from our two weeks of camping. We had a so much fun. We came home last weekend for Posco’s First Holy Communion and to host visiting family members, and went back. Now I am not having fun because I have two weeks of muddy (it was cold and raining the first week). buggy, smokey clothes to wash.
For some reason while we were camping, my boys kept wetting themselves at night. At one point my husband and the other father (we went with another family) told my four year old that if he is too scared to walk to the lavatory by himself, just go outside and pee in the bushes. The first night the kids were in bed and I was sitting by the campfire and I hear the tent unzip. Fastolph was standing close enough to the entrance to just stick his little you know what out and pee. I was like “oh no, my shoes are right there!” (thankfully he missed). I was relieved at first that I had no pee pee clothes in the morning, but for some reason he started to be under the impression that as long as you were at camp you could drop them and pee anywhere. Ugh.
Now back to the routine of things…