Blessed Feast of St Teresa!

Flos Carmeli has several lovely posts up for La Madre, including this selection from her Autobiography, which I need to staple to my forehead:

….why, then, should they abstain from [prayer] who serve and desire to serve God? Certainly I cannot comprehend it, unless it be that men have a mind to go through the troubles of this life in greater misery, and to shut the door in the face of God, so that He shall give them no comfort in it. I am most truly sorry for them, because they serve God at their own cost; for of those who pray, God Himself defrays the charges, seeing that for a little trouble He gives sweetness, in order that, by the help it supplies, they may bear their trials.


  1. I’ve been wondering why I suddenly feel so distant from God, so alone in recent days, without being aware of any new mortal sins… maybe it’s because I slacked off on prayer! Those Rosaries with Davey and his video did me more good than keeping him occupied with the video so I could do something else.

  2. Now, that’s a very interesting quote. I’ve been reading the Ring trilogy, and feeling how dismal and crushing it must be to bear such a killing burden without being able to turn to God. I have never been a success at what I might call formal contemplation, praying silently and connectedly for a long period at a stretch. What I do is to say a hundred times a day, “Lord, help me with this trouble,” or “St. Joseph, show me how to say this to the boys,” or even “Please, Ste. Therese, help me find my wallet (or library book, or whatever)!” Then I say thanks (as often as I remember to), and ask for help with the next small or large problem that crops up. How does anybody live without being able to speak to God? It would kill me, and I’m not even good at prayer.

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