I wrote this like a year ago on MWG…
Also, let me say what AP’ing means to me. It is not a checklist “I co-sleep, check, I have my trusty official ‘AP Certified Mom Sling’, check, I breastfeed, check…” but it is a philosophy that when you bring a baby into this world, your life changes to lovingly accommodate this person, instead of making this person try to conveniently fit into your life-like trying to put a square peg into a round hole. I don’t think our contraceptive culture is very friendly to that type of nurturing. Instead after people finally decide they can have children, then they schedule them and say they are “good” because they are trained to just sit there.
I’ve always thought that was a good way of looking at it. Not every family can use every “technique” of AP (Hambet and I never got the knack of slings, for instance) but every family can respect a baby’s needs (as a baby and as an individual human) and try to meet them instead of trying to force the baby to be “more convenient.”