Back to the routine

Even long weekends are never long enough. (My husband took advantage of “liberal leave” on Friday.)
Today: laundry, finishing folding and ironing last week’s and starting this week’s wash. Squandered naptime fetching the mail, searching for a misplaced book, answering an email. Took some film to Best Buy to be developed. I hate, hate, hate Best Buy and normally never enter that store, but if you get your film processed there you can order triple prints (one set of Hambet’s birthday pictures for me and one set for each grandma). You can in theory, anyway; none of the truant middle-school students staff seemed to know how to fill out the envelope to actually order the triple prints (there is no box to check.) I hope the lab understands my written instructions (I want the triple prints for $9.99.)
Getting reprints out to the grandmas is sometimes a real chore. For a while I was mulling over buying a photo-quality printer, but since I would have to print more than 200 photo reprints to break even (not counting paper and ink) I figured I would just keep doing it the old-fashioned way, especially since home printouts do not last as long as regular photos. My old DeskJet prints well enough for “everyday” reprints.
Hambet has a checkup tomorrow and I suspect the doctor will ask me how many words he knows. So — I’m such a geek — I sat down and entered all the words I could think of into an Excel spreadsheet and learned how to use COUNTA to count them. So far I’m up to 182 (including animal sounds such as moo, quack, woof woof, bloob bloob, and oink.)
Pansy’s weather pixie is wearing the same coat all the time, while mine has an ever-changing ensemble. This is exactly the reverse of real life — Pansy is much more stylish; I am fashion-impaired.
I keep looking out at the back yard and wondering when the snow is going to melt. I want to really plan my garden this year, with graph paper and all that, but I want to measure my existing patch first. I really, really, really want to grow rhubarb this year, but even if I succeed I won’t be able to harvest until next year…. Last year was my first time planting a garden. I had great success with lettuce and basil, middling results with tomatoes. I had problems with blossom end-rot until I took my grandma’s hint and started putting eggshells in the garden.
Time to start supper. Tonight it’s meatballs (Swedish if I have the ingredients, with spaghetti otherwise.)
UPDATE: 202 212 words on the vocabulary list. Husband is late coming home from work and needs a ride home from the train station. This will totally derail dinner. I might let someone else do the cooking tonight.