“…I think that what we

“…I think that what we are seeing over all is a reflection of a culture that does not truly value women as women.”
No, society does not value women as women. Why would women in order to feel self-worth need to neuter themselves with birth control, instead of finding self-worth in what women do naturally? Why has child bearing become such a plague that 40 million mothers have killed their own children in their wombs? Why do we applaud Jennifer Lopez in her scantily clad shower curtain looking attrocities and hail her as “sexy” and “daring”, yet are quick to judge a feminine covered woman as “dowdy”? Why are so many women cohabitating, allowing men to treat them as sex objects only, and why are so many men these days treating them as such? And of course, the question on everyone’s minds today is why are women on the front lines?
It seems to me we have lost such a sense of what a beautiful thing it is to be a woman. God loved women so much that He entrusted one to become His Mother. We should be embracing Her Example, yet we throw it out first chance we get.