This and that

This and that
Finally made it to Tiny Tots Funfit this morning — the class has been cancelled, Friday after Friday, because of the weather. We have missed as many classes as we have attended (four.) Hambet did much better this morning — we met the teacher early and asked her to show him her tape player. That seemed to help — he still burst into tears as soon as the tape went on, but the tears only lasted through the first half of the Hello Song, and he participated happily in every activity after that.
One of the other little boys comes with his daddy, who looks like he might serve our country by jumping out of airplanes. It’s cute to see this big tall soldier playing the games and being so patient with his little boy.
Afterwards we stopped by the grocery store (milk, fish, Cinnamon Puffins, maple syrup.) Lunch; bill-paying; discovery that stickers and address labels are very interesting to two-year-olds.
Down in one of our comments boxes, Katheryn had some questions about HTML — talk about the myopic leading the severly myopic! Anyway, for those who are interested, I have learned buckets from Annabella’s HTML Help. Her site is very clear and simple. Her color palettes are great — you just click on the color and she gives you the color name or hex code, as well as showing you what the color looks like as a background color and as a font color. I’ve added a link button to her site — it’s down there at the bottom of our links.
Time to tidy up and start thinking about dinner. Friday evening arrived so quickly!