Jeanetta and CWN blog

and CWN blog talk about the prayer service for women’s ordination held in the Milwaukee diocese. It makes my stomach hurt.

Walking to the altar Dahlberg held up the bread basket and chalice and said, “This is my body, this is my blood, Jesus said, do this and when you do this, you do it to remember me.”
“And yet, they tell me you may not say those words, woman. You may not touch those vessels, woman,” she said, adding “men who share intimate relations with a woman” may also not do so.
“You may not wear an alb as a priestly symbol,” said Dahlberg, stripping off her stole and alb and tossing them to the ground at her feet.
“Yet the Holy Spirit has taught me and so many others, that they are wrong,” said Dahlberg, “so I do stand in this holy sanctuary, a woman called by God to priestly service.”
She put the alb and stole back on and declared that she will serve her church as a priest “whenever and wherever people call me to serve.”

Oh my gosh, is there a violinist in the background to accompany the Sarah Bernhardt melodramatics? Aside from the heterodoxy, how can you take this seriously?
Along the same lines, the hostess nun of last month’s Pastoral Planning meeting (where the Bishop talked about attending “sister’s Mass”) is receiving an award for “Pastoral Planning”(which I think is giving jobs reserved to priests to laity):

The Ilion native also is responsible for implementing new models of staffing parishes where a permanent deacon or non-ordained person is responsible for leading and administering the parish. Currently, these models are operative in 20 parishes in Albany , Delaware , Montgomery , Otsego, Rensselaer , Saratoga , Schoharie, Warren and Washington counties.