Nothing much going on here.

A chilly, rainy day. The garden bed that I dug and hadn’t filled in yet is now a pond.
On Saturday, when I bought my rhubarb, I picked some up for my friend (whose hobbit name is Iris Boffin of Needlehole.) Anyway, Iris had taken a day off from work today, so she came over for lunch and to pick up the rhubarb. We had a nice lunch at IHOP and then went over to the nursery and to a birdseed ‘n’ stuff type store to look around.
Iris and I have been friends since 1981. She is an avid gardener and knows all about animals and the outdoors. One of the nice things about my new gardening fever is that I can appreciate her knowledge so much more. It’s fun to have another thing in common and to be able to swap things like fill dirt and plant cuttings. I will be consulting her for advice on bird feeders one of these days.