Atheist Love Bombing and Neat Matrix Quote

OK, so I have been reading about The Raving Atheist sending fellow atheists to drop bombs of love or something at Catholic Light and at Catholic and Enjoying It. While the story is amusing, it makes about as much sense to me as The Matrix plot did. I mean I never understand why people of other beliefs care so much about what we believe. I could care less. I do not mean that to be smug, but what atheists believe takes up very little time of my daily thought process. Much better things to worry about like, what to cook, saying the Rosary, teaching the kids and blogging about Mommy Stuff, BTVS, The Matrix, rhubarb, breastfeeding and the Catholicity of it all.
So I will end this blog with a nifty quote from Matrix Reloaded (bear with me because I am doing this from memory, not from a script):
Commander Lock: Not everyone has the same beliefs you do
Morpheus: My beliefs do not require them to.
Yeah, yeah, I know-short, pointless and nothing but an excuse to post that nifty quote. But the whole “Love Bombing” thing did remind me of that quote, so it wasn’t just a random tie in.