Garden Report

It’s UNDER WATER, pure and simple! We’ve had at least four inches of rain this week. All my big plans are in a puddle.
No, I take that back, the lettuce continues to thrive. I’ll cut some this afternoon. Three tomatoes cling to life, but they’re not growing very much; no sign of fruit anytime soon. I’ll have to check on the garlic, I hope it hasn’t rotted in the ground.
Today I worked on my little perennial bed in the front. The lavender plant I planted last year is doing great — I actually had to cut it back. I took a whole plastic grocery bag full of lavender and there’s still plenty on the plant. So I am having fun putting it in vases and getting some ready to dry.
I also harvested my first mint this afternoon. I am crazy about mint ice cream (even though I have no business eating it!) and am eager to try this recipe for mint chocolate gelato.
I have two little planters by the front door. We did the dwarf-Alberta-spruce-in-the-pot thing this year, and then I filled in some of the space with cheap annuals (vinca vine, dusty miller, impatients, and that pink polka-dot plant) from the Home Depot. Those little planter gardens are doing great (and are making the dwarf spruces look rather..well, dwarfed….) So at least something’s not drowning. I trimmed back some of the dusty miller and the vinca and brought it back with the lavender.
I am so proud — for the first time in my life I am arranging little vases with flowers I grew myself!