OK, Peony thinks the Wholesome Wear suits were a bit much

but before you think I am just off the deep end, there is a practical aspect to them as well, which is what sold me on them. When the kids go swimming let’s say at the lake, which was where I had in mind, the kids get in the water, get out and run around, get in the water, get out and run around. I go through a ton of wet towels and sandy clothes from putting clothes back on and clothes back off. Sun block back on and sun block back on and on which is a must on her skin. This swimsuit looked like a good alternative to play around in after swimming. Boys are always so much easier because you can throw a T-shirt and they are like dressed.
But I also think that is part of the problems when you dress little girls like mini teenagers. Children like to run and play. Especially girls who have three brothers and three uncles. Clothing should comfortably accomodate that too.