New Routine Now that my

New Routine
Now that my 18 month old has “severe” asthma, I have to keep him on a variety of medications which makes me nervous. Do not get me wrong, I am very grateful for the fact that there are medications to give him the ability to breathe. I fully understand that due to original sin, there is illness in the world, and I am so blessed to have food, shelter and two hospitals within walking distance. The medications upset me though.
Before we had to give Gorbulas albuterol in the nebuliser, and perhaps Pulmicort on an “as needed” basis. Now he has to have albuterol treatments around the clock every four hours, he has to be on Prelone syrup two times a day for four more days. which is a steroid and has a ton of nasty side effects, including candidiasis and all the nasty side effects associated with the disease so my poor baby will probably be fighting this for the rest of his life and never be able to eat a carb again. After four days, I have to teach an 18 month old to use an inhaler because the dosage of Pulmicort (another steroid) for the nebuliser is not strong enough. This is until, well, until hopefully he outgrows asthma, or I can figure out a way to cure him with some type of diet and filling my home with a bazillion ionic air filters.
Again, I am amazed at medical science. (I am just venting because I am scared for my little guy. That is why I have this blog right, to vent?) I am also amazed at the way God created our bodies. When Gorbulas’ lung collapsed, it caused his chest cavity to fill with air, where it would normally be filled with lung. The air is not supposed to be there because God created our bodies to have a negative air space (vacuum) in our bodies which is what keeps the lung inflated. Maybe I am too emotional, but I always in awe of our God when I learn a little bit more about how he constructed our bodies.
Speaking of which I took the little guy’s dressing off this morning when I gave him his bath. God bless him, I never saw a kid who puts up with people ripping Band-Aids and surgical tape off of him. He just looked at me an smiled. The area of his cheek bones are all scabbed over from the surgical tape used to adhere the oxygen tubes to his face. I made a horrible blunder trying to wash some of the adhesive off with a wash cloth because it is getting all black and nasty. I made his face bleed when I wiped over the area with the wash cloth. I did not realise how delicate the scabs were. But the little wound in his side where they inserted the chest tube looks good and I hope God will take good care of it.