Dinka writes about her new

Dinka writes about her new life, and changed figure…

The remains of the pregnancy and everything it took to let this baby out. It’s scary. I am left with the miniature version of a classic beer belly, no, not a cute left-over pregnancy belly, but a flabby weird-shaped nothing sticking out with a dark line down the middle. All my other body parts that seemed proportionate to the big thing in front now suddenly appear their actual size and I feel every single pound. I know it’s been only 2 weeks and it will all go back to normal, but, my god, what happened to me?! I guess it’s “Motherhood Maternity”-fashion for me for another couple of months. Sigh.

I am glad Dinka posted this.With baby number one, I went home in my jeans, number two and three I went home in my baggy jeans. The last baby I had to wear maternity clothes home and wear a size three sizes bigger for a few weeks. I had a bit of post partum depression, but my appearance depressed me a whole lot. I mean it’s like if I rolled over at night, my stomach flopped on the bed. I started working out and got to Weight Watchers at 4 weeks post partum. I got back into OK shape, but I will never have a tummy suitable to wear some midriff revealing garment. Not that I would, but I am all stretched out is the point.
For me, there is this secret competition to prove what a good mother I am, and part of that is “and see, she got her figure back so quick.” I do not even know what that is all about. I do not know if it is a Pansy Moss thing, or the fact that our society is so embroiled in the Culture of Death that there is no appreciation for women whose shapes change due to child birth. Maybe a little of both.