Finally Got Out to See Matrix:Revolutions Last Night

I am not sure what I thought of it. It was not like Return of the Jedi in the sense that it had it’s own story, but it was nothing more than a “Part Two” conclusion to Matrix Reloaded. It had lots of neat sci fi special effects, but not enough martial arts in neat black costumes for my own taste. Also, more long speeches that put me to sleep. Mercifully, none of them were from Morpheus because he had enough monologues ion the last movie to fill Lawrence Fishburn’s career…and um, someone else’s.
I really cannot say too much about the plot because the movie was sort of plot free and just the conclusion to the story with lots of specail effects, so if I say anything, I may spoil the ending.
I will say that many of the holes in the last movie will still be evident in this one if you did not play Enter the Matrix(or sat to watch while your husband played) and watch The Animatrix. It sets up the characters better and the background. You have
I do think if you saw the first two, you need to see this one to satisfy your curiosity, but it can wait until it comes out on video.