More on Pansy’s Garden

that consists of packets of seeds. My neighbor Norman came over and said he will be plowing today and tomorrow and if I wanted to plant a little garden or something, he will be more than happy to plow a spot for me. He said his wife planted peas this weekend, but they like the cold. He also said other than that, there is no hurry to plant anything for a while if he plows today because of the cold (except peas I guess).
He asked how I was planning on turning the soil because we do not have a nifty team like he does (he didn’t say that, but I am sure he observed it) and I said I was going to build some raised beds. He thought that was interesting…I didn’t want to speak too much because I know I sound like such an amatuer. The few things I did say I think it was because I heard Peony say them like “oh yeah, peas they like the cold…” Actually, I did know that one by some fluke, the rest was from associating with Peony.