dagnab it

I really hate it when websites do STUPID things like NOT LINKING to what you need.
For example, you’re looking for the claim form on your health insurance website. Of course they don’t have a link to it on the fricking FRONT PAGE, and provide no clues, so you click to the FAQ page and find something helpfullly titled, “Where do I get a claim form?”
So you click, and there’s no link to the claim form — it just says, “In the Benefits section!”
So you click to the Benefits section and THERE IS STILL NO LINK TO THE CLAIM FORM.
Thanks goodness for the site map — it was the only way to find the stupid claim form. But to get there, you click the link on the side bar that says “Site Map” and what pops up? Another link that says “Site Map!” (At least when you click that link you finally get to the Site Map.) And someone got paid for this?