Napolean Dynamite

I meant to blog about this movie like a month ago when I first saw this, but haven’t had a free arm.
Now my children, brothers, father and husband have been reciting I guess you would call them “Napolean-isms” for a month.
This movie is silly, is not about anything, has a sort of pointless plot but is a must see. OK, maybe not a must see, but if you are fan of stupid humor it is. It is about a teenager who is pretty much a geek, who lives with his grandmother. He help his best friend runs for class president. Not deep at all.
There is an interesting story about the one of the stars, Efren Ramirez:

Efren Ramirez is an upcoming rising star. A new face to filmgoers, Efren Ramirez is a bonifide scene-stealer in the quirky comedy Napoleon Dynamite (2004). Stuck between choosing between Napoleon Dynamite and the studio film “The Alamo”, Efren was quick to choose Napoleon Dynamite which has grossed over $41 million at the box office to date.

I think that’s funny.


  1. My 3 teenagers started quoting the movie and were getting in trouble with me; so we all went to see it together. Now we all quote it “pretty much” on a daily basis. So funny.

  2. I’ve definitely got to rent this movie. Y’all are probably the third or fourth set of people who are going around quoting this movie … that’s gotta be some kind of movie!

  3. It’s not just that it’s funny, it’s that there really isn’t anything about it that anyone could find offensive. In other words, you really could let little children watch it with you and not have to worry that they’ll be exposed to anything bad.

  4. “LaFawnduh is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I’m 100% sure that she’s my soul mate.” And then there’s my favourite: “I love technology, but not as much as you, you see. But I still love technology, always and forever. Always and forever.”

  5. N: My lips hurt real bad!
    his brother:Why don’t you ask the nurse, she has like 5 of them in her drawer.
    N: I’m not gonna use hers you sicko!
    I loooove that movie.

  6. It’s been a big thing on our street, because apparently it grew out of a movie made for the BYU student film festival, and lots of our neighbors were at BYU with the originators. Exciting for them! And so not surprising it’s not offensive 🙂

  7. I blogged about this movie a few weeks ago when I watched it with my four teenagers, or as I prefer to call them “young adults.” Anyway, I thought the movie was hilarious and quite quotable, but only one of the YA’s liked it (the thirteen year old). The others thought it was way too geeky and stupid. So is it a teenage movie or a 40-something movie? I want a “Vote for Pedro” T-shirt.

  8. So is it a teenage movie or a 40-something movie?
    Um, well, none of the people here who quote it are 40 something, so I dunno.

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