Assumption Novena: Day 1

Novena Prayer in Honor of the Assumption of Mary
Mary, full of grace, all generations rejoice to call you blessed and to acknowledge the great things that God your Savior has done for you. In preserving you from the stain of sin, God already prepared you to be taken to the place that had been readied for you in heaven. As we commemorate this Assumption of your body and soul into heaven, we recall that you intercede for us powerfully in your reign as Queen of the Universe and that you remember us tenderly as Mother of the Church. Seeking the help of your power and the consolation of your gentle compassion, we ask that you join us in praying for the intentions that we now entrust to your loving attention.
As you join in presenting these petitions to our Father in heaven, pray too that we may accept God’s response to our petitions with the spirit of joy that marked your life on earth and which now fills your soul in heaven. Help us to long for our own heavenly inheritance, so that we might join with you in praising God’s goodness forever. Amen.
For Pansy’s intentions: for her family’s spiritual and material needs
For Peony’s intentions: for the gift of a new brother or sister for Hambet; for healing.
For the intentions of our sisters and brothers in St Blog’s: For Dylan and his mother.
For the needs of the Church:
For the needs and intentions of our Holy Father, Benedict XVI.
For the needs and intentions of our bishops.
For the Suffering Church, including our brethren in the Sudan and in China.