Catholic Youths Flock To Latin Mass

The traditional liturgy, almost forgotten since the Church switched to
vernacular tongues for its services, is full of reverent rituals and ornate
vestments which were put aside as outdated after the Second Vatican Council
But these traditions are making a quiet comeback among a tiny minority of young
Catholics who find the strict Roman rite more sacred and prayerful than the loud
guitars and chatty priests they see in their local parishes.

Thanks to Karen for the article.


  1. Pansy I see by your blog postings that you are in the Capital Region- St. Peter’s in Troy holds the Tridentine Mass every Sunday. It isn’t broadcasted for all to know but it is allowed to be said in our Diocese. Spread the word!

  2. Bearftcontessa,
    We attended that Mass regularly for a couple of years and my Posco made his FHC there in the TLM. We stopped going a little more than a year ago. Even so, I still think it is linked under “Pansyiana” as “Pansy’s Parish”.

  3. Small world- My mother attends the mass there at times. I had considered joining the parish but at the time they could not offer Religious Ed to my oldest daughter and I wanted to belong to the parish that my children made their FHC at.

  4. Two years ago, when Posco made his FHC, they had a religious ed program. I do not know if it is still there, with Fr. McNerney gone and all. The teacher was a gem.
    I love the Mass, but I did not like the atmosphere there. If you read the 2003 archives, you will probably catch a story or two here and there.

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