
Four Jobs
1.Clerk in a craft store
2.Clerk and salad-bar tender in a grocery store deli
3.Office Temp
4.Registered Nurse

Four Movies I Would Watch Over and Over:

2.The Incredibles
4.Monsters, Inc
Four Places I Have Lived:
1. Durbin, North Dakota
2. Tacoma, Washington
3. San Antonio, Texas
4. Baltimore, Maryland
Four TV Shows I Love to Watch:
1. House
2. American Idol
3. Masterpiece Theater reruns from Netflix
4. America’s Test Kitchen

Websites I visit daily:

1. The Bleat
2. Amy Welborn
3. Washingtonpost.com, to read Rex Morgan and For Better and For Worse
4. my bank
Fav Four Foods
1. Cheese
2. Bread
3. Chocolate
4. Coffee
Four Places I Would Rather Be:
1. My computer, if I were alone
2. my scrapbooking table, if I were alone
3. A really good used bookstore, if I were by myself
4. the Crypt Chapel of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, if I arrived alone.

Four People I Am Tagging:

Four people who have started reading this blog in the last year.