1. I’m not sure which is worse – this or the pop tart that someone framed because it was burned in a way that made it look like Martin Luther King.

  2. The worst is that this idiot decided to call in a Wiccan for the exorcism. Talk about setting the foxes to guard the henhouse.
    Or even worse than that: I read the whole story. Ugh. I have work to do.

  3. Or even worse than that: I read the whole story. Ugh.
    Yeah, I know, I was bored too. 😉
    The worst is that this idiot decided to call in a Wiccan for the exorcism.
    Yeah, I thought that was El Dumbo. Do you think there is some truth to the story, or do you think the guy said “man I need a few bucks, how can I make some $$ on ebay?”

  4. Pansy,
    My guess is that the truth could be either. Just like Tarot, though, just playing around with this stuff is bad news. Especially when it comes with a plug for Wicca.

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