boxes, boxes, boxes

Well, we did it! On May 31 we settled on our old house and our new house without bloodshed (though the people who bought our old house annoyed the settlement attorney so much, she held back the bottle of champagne she’d brought for them and only gave a bottle to us. Ha!)
We’re almost unpacked; only a few more boxes to go. “Unpacked” doesn’t mean “put away” though. I have a lot of weird family room type stuff — media, craft supplies, toys — to figure out how to shelve. I wish the Container Store would accomodate me by putting the elfa shelving on sale this week — I don’t feel like waiting till January!
FYI: If you are even thinking about moving to Virginia, do yourself a favor and make sure you have an official copy of your birth certificate (and your marriage license, if you changed your name when you married) or your naturalization papers. Your old driver’s license isn’t enough anymore. I found this out the hard way last night after a gruesome trip to the DMV. So, on the agenda today: a trip to the notary to certify my identity to the State of California so they can certify MY identity to the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Crazy, isn’t it?


  1. Glad to hear things are going well. I wanted to a post a “Peony, how’re you doing?” but I figured if you were busy, you’d let us know when things calmed down.
    You sound so much better than me. I think moving promotes about as much stress as a body can handle.

  2. Welcome to the (greater) neighborhood.
    The only problem I remember about getting VA ID was that they asked for my weight. Hmph. Don’t think they did that in NY.

  3. congrats & welcome back 🙂 May 31 must have been the day for house closings… we closed on our house the same day, but we don’t move in ’til Sunday (wanted to paint & fix up the floors first)

  4. The birth certificate/marriage lic thing I suspect is Homeland Security in action–I ran into that in MD as well earlier this year.
    Glad to hear you’re getting settled–congratulations!

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