Dixie Chicks Make Jab at Mel Gibson in NY

This is an AOL site, so it may not come up for everyone.

The Chicks elicited more laughter as lead singer Natalie Maines dedicated the humorous ‘White Trash Wedding’ to Mel Gibson, sarcastically praising the actor for checking into rehab.
“You know how it is when you’re drunk,” she said, in reference to Gibson’s anti-Semitic rant during his DUI arrest last week. “All of our controversy would have been over if I had checked myself into rehab and said I was drunk and didn’t know what I was saying.”

Um, wow! I can’t wrap my head around this one. I love how The Dixie Chicks have anointed themselves the voice of America. Mostly though, I think people who proudly refer to themselves as “Dixie Chicks” really should tone down their speeches on “tolerance” (oh how I hate that stupid buzzword).


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