It’s Only Been Two Weeks

since Peony tagged me, I have a moment to post.
Here are the rules: Each player lists 8 facts/habits about themselves. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning before those facts/habits are listed. At the end of the post, the player then tags 8 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.
1. I am pretty talented at a lot of things such as dancing, drawing etc., but I am not really, really good at anything. For example, if I could sing (which I can’t), I would probably make it through the first round of cuts on AI but get no further.
2. I spend too much time on the Internet. I have cut back considerably in past months, but not due to discipline on my part-just a lack of time.
3. I love to eat.
4. I love coffee. But it makes me sick. If I have more than one cup a day of real coffee, I get light-headed and jittery and feel drunk. If I don’t get my one cup, I am very cranky.
5. I have been taking college classes online for nursing.
6. I suck at housework. I am always cleaning, but I have no knack for how to do it right. I am also very, very OCD about touching gross things like grease, bathroom muck and whatnot, so it impairs my cleaning abilities.
7. I worry constantly that my kids will become useless people. I worry constantly that I will not get this mothering thing right and my kids will become drug addicts or worse, the guy that plays video games and lives in his Mama’s basement at age 40.
8. I think my husband would be the guy above except he convinced me to marry him.
9. I secretly have a burning desire to buy this for myself.
10. Shopping for clothes is my favorite frivolous hobby!
Jeanne, L., Dinka, you’re up ladies!


  1. Um, I take it you already own Darth Tater, eh? lol (Says she with a growing collection of her own Galactic Hero Toys). Hey, they might be worth something someday! Cough…
    Oh, and I can relate to item number one. I’d be sick (in the best slangy sense) if I used more than 5% of my potential. lol

  2. “opti-mash”???
    Totally a lame “advancement” of the Mr. Potato-head line.
    This is about as useful as powdered water.

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