So What’s Tackier Than Getting Your News From Perez Hilton?

Posting it on your blog or course, especially when the fact are none other then The National Enquirer. But unfortunately, the major news networks are much more respectable and don’t publish true politician dirt…unless of course they find stuff on Bush.
So, since I know people who visit P&P are respectable people who do not read Perez Hilton, I’ll share some of the fun stuff with you (actually, it’s not fun at all and my heart bleeds for Mrs. Edwards and her children):

According to the Enquirer:
– Edwards’ political operatives are still paying the mistress and alleged baby momma Rielle Hunter. She was also reportedly whisked away on a private jet two days before he confessed their extramarital affair on national TV!
– Edwards secretly visited Rielle and their love child three separate times at the Beverly Hilton hotel in Los Angeles this year. So the July visit was one of three? Bastard!
– After Edwards confessed the affair to his wife, he restarted it, and was sexually involved with Rielle when she became pregnant.
– Despite his denials, Edwards WAS aware that his former finance committee chairman, Fred Baron, was funneling money to Rielle.
The Enquirer is also reporting that experts are now calling for a federal investigation into Edwards’ use of campaign funds.
Remember, Rielle was given $100K to produce Edwards campaign videos.
Wonder how past Edwards contributers feel about their hard earned money going to Johnny’s ho?????

Update: There is

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