Mullet for Jesus OK, that

Mullet for Jesus OK, that hairdo was really bad, but it asks the question that begs to be answered “Why do they fall short of making Jesus look attractive in modern day art?” I mean a mullet is an almost criminal offense, but why is He always so wimpy and androgenous looking? Gives me the… Continue reading Mullet for Jesus OK, that

New Bed! We purchased a

New Bed! We purchased a new King Size bed.I said to the salesman “I need a king a size bed, but just simple…Big and simple,” I kept my mouth shut about co-sleeping to the salesman because I remember the hassles Davey’s Mom got about co-sleeping. Although he was suspicious because I kept saying things to… Continue reading New Bed! We purchased a

Meet the Parents…I think I

Meet the Parents… I think I would like to introduce you to my family little by little because I think there is a lot of material to blog about there. Much of it humorous, much of it frustrating. My husband called my father-in-law like he always does approximately every other week or so. It is… Continue reading Meet the Parents…I think I

Peony, about Mr. Rogers I

Peony, about Mr. Rogers I have a lot of respect for Mr Rogers. Sure, the show is slow, but it’s meant for very little children. I always thought he was slow on purpose. He always came on after shows like Sesame Street and Electric Company (when I was little) and then Mr. Rogers came on… Continue reading Peony, about Mr. Rogers I

Nice little editorial about Mercy

Nice little editorial about Mercy H.S. Thank you Mr.Popcak from HMS Borg for the link. Another reason why many choosy Catholic mothers choose Jiff and homeschooling-except we don’t eat Jiff…