This is what I get from the last messages. People are often stronger than they know, bigger, more gallant than they’d guess. And this: We’re all lucky to be here today and able to say what deserves saying, and if you say it a lot, it won’t make it common and so unheard, but known… Continue reading I Just Called To Say I Love You
Author: Pansy
I Do Have a Life
Yesterday I got the opportunity to meet Alicia and her husband, John. We met them for Mass at Auriesville, and then we went out to breakfast at a local diner (I think an argument can be made that it is the only diner in Amsterdam). I have to say they are genuinely nice people. Not… Continue reading I Do Have a Life
Back Sleeping Discussion At HMS Blog
A reader wrote in: This Back to Sleep stuff drives me nuts. I don’t know why it is safer, but it can be really hard to get some babies to sleep on their backs. I have two daughters, 3 and 2 1/2 weeks, who both refuse to sleep on their backs. Both will sleep for… Continue reading Back Sleeping Discussion At HMS Blog
Whenever I see “Albany” and “Catholic” in the same article
I know I should not even read because it is never anything good. Sep. 07 ( – The office of Catholic Charities in Albany, New York, is pursuing a lawsuit challenging regulations that require insurance coverage for contraception. “We’re being forced to pay for something that represents what we teach against and what we think… Continue reading Whenever I see “Albany” and “Catholic” in the same article
I Need A More Original Title Than “People Are Dumb”, but Nothing Comes To Mind
People are just incapable of seeing a lovely baby and getting all warm and gushy inside like the rest of us. They have to come up with stupid crap like this to spoil it for everyone.
Bumblebee? Is That You? Are You In There?
HT again: Angry Zen Master
Speaking of The Superficial…
Ohmygosh! Suri Cruise is so cute!
I’m Gonna Cry
Update: The Superficial has a picture of Optimus up. I don’t know. What’s up with his feet? They look like metal ET feet. Lots to say over at Angry Zen Master blog on this very pressing subject! Warning: the language is kind of profane. —————————————————————– It is not looking good for The Transformers movie. Exhibit… Continue reading I’m Gonna Cry