I Do Have a Life

Yesterday I got the opportunity to meet Alicia and her husband, John. We met them for Mass at Auriesville, and then we went out to breakfast at a local diner (I think an argument can be made that it is the only diner in Amsterdam). I have to say they are genuinely nice people. Not… Continue reading I Do Have a Life

Whenever I see “Albany” and “Catholic” in the same article

I know I should not even read because it is never anything good. Sep. 07 (CWNews.com) – The office of Catholic Charities in Albany, New York, is pursuing a lawsuit challenging regulations that require insurance coverage for contraception. “We’re being forced to pay for something that represents what we teach against and what we think… Continue reading Whenever I see “Albany” and “Catholic” in the same article

Categorized as Life Issues

I’m Gonna Cry

Update: The Superficial has a picture of Optimus up. I don’t know. What’s up with his feet? They look like metal ET feet. Lots to say over at Angry Zen Master blog on this very pressing subject! Warning: the language is kind of profane. —————————————————————– It is not looking good for The Transformers movie. Exhibit… Continue reading I’m Gonna Cry