Ordinary Time

Esteemed blogger Alicia has a nice reflection up on Ordinary Time. She also has her green template up. I’m leaving the red up for the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart and Corpus Christi. I’ll put up the green when I get back.

Checking in

Sorry for the slow blogging this week. I’ve been trying to limit my computer time, following the counsel of the nice man I talked to last week (the one wearing a black shirt and a purple stole….) When I have been on-line, I’ve been helping Emily of “After Abortion” out; her template crashed last Friday… Continue reading Checking in

Resisting the Siren Blog

I just heard from Michelle (aka “Shellynna”), blogeuse of “And Then?”. She was concerned that there were “too many other things that weren’t getting done.” She considered resisting the siren call of the blog by lashing herself to the mast of her ship, but was concerned that she would be able to untie the knots… Continue reading Resisting the Siren Blog

Almanac: May 13

On this day in history (which was yesterday, but I was distracted by the Sump Pump Saga….) …in 1917, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeard for the first time to the little shepherd children of Fatima. Sister Lucia is still with us! …in 1974, blogger Pete “Omnipresence” Vere was born. Happy Birthday! …in 1981, an assasination… Continue reading Almanac: May 13

Curt Jester’s Caption Contest

Curt Jester is having a caption contest with the goofiest looking picture I have ever seen. I did not comment because I have no caption. But what is up with the flower wreaths on their heads? And why are they so old? This is cornier than “Hands Acroos America”.