God bless all the Mommies, Mamas, Mums, Nanas and Grandmas on this day!
Category: Around St Blog’s
This year’s first rhubarb recipe….
…is from dinka. Head over to her place for a lucious-sounding recipe for Rhubarb-Strawberry Crumble. My own rhubarb is just immense, but the stalks are still green, they’re not turning red. I will have to consult my mom and see when I can start harvesting some.
A good idea for raising money
Over at Catholic Light, RC wonders: What would you be pleased to never sing again? A commenter also wondered, what hymns would you pay to sing?
And with your spirit
I saw it first at Catholic Light: the Australian media appear to have a draft of the new English translation of the Mass.
It’s only funny until someone gets hurt
Dear Mr Luse has another post on the battle of the sexes, but this one is more sobering than funny. His students were invited to respond to Judy Brady’s “I Want a Wife” (he provides a link). At one time I would have found that essay hysterically funny. Now it just makes me wonder if… Continue reading It’s only funny until someone gets hurt
Angry Traddism?
Jeff has a good discussion of “angry Traddism” — the kind of relentless carping that that some refer to as “Lidless Eye” traddism — over at El Camino Real: I think that in many cases traditionalists are their own worst enemy. There are, indeed, some kooky traditionalists who think it is their duty to correct… Continue reading Angry Traddism?
Martha and Mary
Steven’s reflections on Martha, the patron saint of housewives: Choosing the better part doesn’t mean letting the dishes pile up in the sink.
Attention blogwatchers: Three Sleepy Mommies!
Congratulations! I see Summa Mama Smockmomma made “Spanning the Globe!” I see that she also got reassigned to the Sleepy Mommies! Yay Smock! Just kidding, of course. Smock is still a Summa. We love the Summas, but we have so much in common (Catholics, mommies, granolacons, The Fine Domain, even some para-blog projects) that perhaps… Continue reading Attention blogwatchers: Three Sleepy Mommies!