Happy Blogiversary…..

…to Mark at Vociferous Yawpings. I think we could use a happier word than “blogiversary.” I nominate Father Johansen to coin one, since he did so well with “blug.”

Annunciation update

Today is also Hambet’s third birthday in the Church: the anniversary of his baptism. Eric Johnson of Catholic Light has the picture I wanted, but couldn’t find. Karen Marie chose a very different picture for her Annunciation post at the Anchor Hold. Usually I don’t care for that style of art, but this one really… Continue reading Annunciation update

Da mihi osculum, invincibilia sum

Magister Mundi sum! “I am the Master of the Universe!” You are full of yourself, but you’re so cool youprobably deserve to be. Rock on. Which Weird Latin Phrase Are You? brought to you by Quizilla Actually I should probably be a Magistra. Thanks to Magister Mundi Mark for this quiz.

Welcome Thrown Back readers!

Father Johansen gave us an amazing blug, describing us as “two reasonably-well-adjusted Catholic women who take their faith seriously.” That compliment’s going to have us on Cloud Nine for weeks. Thanks so much, Father.