More on Semiotics

Yesterday, when I was out driving, I was passed by a big white tractor-trailer. The only decoration on the truck was on its rear doors: a name and a picture of a penguin. I thought, “oh, this truck must be one of a fleet of refrigerated trucks.” Was this a semiotic moment? Would semiotics concern… Continue reading More on Semiotics

Categorized as Books

The find!

I gave in to book lust again yesterday. Hambet had fallen asleep on my lap and resisted my efforts to put him to bed, so I spent a little time surfing around the ‘net with a sleeping baby on my lap. I had been thinking about a book I thoroughly enjoyed as a pre-teen and… Continue reading The find!

Categorized as Books

The semiotics of the dunce cap

Poor Erik and Steven! Erik has been posting on semiotics (parts i, ii, iii, music) and I have been hanging out in the comments boxes, sniveling “I don’t get it! I don’t understaaaaaaaaaaand!” Erik and Steven have been patiently explaining semiotics to me, but to no avail. Every time I think I have a grip… Continue reading The semiotics of the dunce cap

Categorized as Books