So Jacko is in Trouble Again

I am not sure what the situation is here, but the thing I cannot understand (molestation allegations aside) is why any parent in there right mind would let their children hang out with this guy after that bizarro interview last winter.

The end of marriage

Over at Catholic Light, RC links to this article by Stanley Kurtz about the implications of the Supreme Court of Massacussetts (SCoM): get ready for polygamy! Thank you, feminists and other ’60’s radicals, for working for a society where women would no longer be treated like property! No more of those wicked days — we’ve… Continue reading The end of marriage

Do Movie Ratings do more harm than good?

Do You Know Where Your Children Are? Most likely, they’re watching PG-13 movies. Those would be the ones with the foul language, oral-sex references and torture scenes…. (WaPo; marketing questions) An interesting and disturbing article about “ratings creep”, exacerbated by the introduction of the PG-13 movie rating (and ultimately made possible by parental inattention and… Continue reading Do Movie Ratings do more harm than good?

What The ?!?

I got this in the from of an email from a list I am on, and I cannot speak for the veracity of a forwarded email, I am sure extra prayers never hurt. Lord have mercy… Please protect Terri. St. Michael the Archangel protect us in battle… While many have heard that Terri Schiavo’s feeding… Continue reading What The ?!?