Actor John Ritter Dies at 54

Actor John Ritter Dies at Age 54 Good thing Davey and Hambet are little enough so that Davey’s mommy and I won’t have any explaining to do about what this means for Clifford the Big Red Dog (Ritter played Clifford’s voice on the TV show.) Pansy insisted that I also note Ritter’s appearance in the… Continue reading Actor John Ritter Dies at 54

This Is What Happens When You Watch Too Much Lifetime Television for Women…..

….you start to wonder about the problem with domestic violence in this country. This also on the curtails of the whole “wifely submission” thread at El Camino Real and of course the whole Terri Schiavo case. I am a little dismayed lately because in what I have seen in real life, bad relationships, domestic violence… Continue reading This Is What Happens When You Watch Too Much Lifetime Television for Women…..

From the mailbox

….As director of Citizens United Resisting Euthanasia (CURE), I would like to thank you for calling your readers’ attention to the plight of Terri Schiavo. I know that the Schindler family and all of us who love Terri appreciate your efforts on her behalf. As a fellow member of St. Blog’s Parish, I call your… Continue reading From the mailbox

Federal Judge Kills Bid To

Federal Judge Kills Bid To Bar Schiavo Ruling At an emergency hearing, Lazzara openly doubted whether he has jurisdiction to intervene in a right-to-die case that has been winding through state courts for five years. He termed the Schindlers’ new federal lawsuit a “quintessential shotgun pleading,” but added: “given the importance of what’s at stake… Continue reading Federal Judge Kills Bid To


Misfit Today we went to the airshow and saw the Thunderbirds. It was a whole lot of fun. OK, I have been feeling sort of pathetic as of late because in this country that I am a native of, I feel like such a misfit. When I lived in Fiji, I was not a misfit,… Continue reading Misfit