Great news for Terri!

Pray, pray, pray! Father Johansen writes: In a separate hearing on Thursday, Pinellas County Circuit Court Judge Greer heard arguments from George Felos, who asked the court to end his stay on the removal of Terri’s feeding tube early, on Friday. Attorney for the Schindlers, David Gibbs, countered by asking Judge Greer to continue the… Continue reading Great news for Terri!

Kangaroo Courts are Killer Courts

CURE’s statement on the Schiavo decision: While those seeking to murder Terri have denied her the opportunity that she deserves for rehabilitation and while they have distorted Terri’s condition in their Goebbels-style campaign to dehumanize her, this battle has never been about the medical facts. Nor should it be! The life of a person living… Continue reading Kangaroo Courts are Killer Courts

Florida: If the hurricanes don’t get you…

the judges will. You’ve probably heard that the Florida Supreme Court has ruled that the governor is not constitutionally permitted to intervene when a patient without written advanced directives is scheduled to be starved to death. Governor Bush is going to appeal, and Michael has graciously agreed to wait to commence the starvation while the… Continue reading Florida: If the hurricanes don’t get you…