Blessed Feast of St Teresa!

Flos Carmeli has several lovely posts up for La Madre, including this selection from her Autobiography, which I need to staple to my forehead: ….why, then, should they abstain from [prayer] who serve and desire to serve God? Certainly I cannot comprehend it, unless it be that men have a mind to go through the… Continue reading Blessed Feast of St Teresa!

People still go to Confession? Stop the Presses!

….or, at least make room for it in the Metro section: Confession Rite Evolves To Meet Changing Need (; marketing questions) First, a quibble — is it “the Rite” that’s evolved? Or is it that people are realizing that they’re not “too evolved” to go to Confession (unlike those who “left behind” the sacrament, presumably… Continue reading People still go to Confession? Stop the Presses!