Our first experience of God….

Our first experience of God is so important, we either experience Him as the police guard that wants to punish or as Creative Love that awaits – Pope Benedict XVI Found here

Blessed Thomas Tsugi, martyr

Let all the nations praise You: Thomas Tsugi was born around the year 1571 in Japan, to a wealthy family of Japanese nobility. Educated by the priests of the Society of Jesus at Arima, he joined the order while quite young, around 1588. As a Jesuit, Thomas traveled Japan and became very popular as an… Continue reading Blessed Thomas Tsugi, martyr

Et in Acedia Cado

The Noonday Demon: The beginning of the attack of acedia comes as an invitation to divert one’s attention from the prayer, work, or charity at hand and to pay attention to something else, which might be entirely innocent or even useful in itself. This is what Evagrius is talking about when he says that acedia… Continue reading Et in Acedia Cado

Memo to Hambet (age 8)

My dear little son, No. We are not going to switch to homeschooling just so you can watch your two favorite cartoons in the morning.