Back to the routine:

Back to the routine: Monday musings
A grey Monday morning. Snow falling outside. The “drip drip drip” of our leaky shower can be heard through most of the house, like some kind of Poe story involving a plumber.
Little Hambet has had no more problems since last Saturday night, so I am hoping, hoping, hoping that the worst of the tummy bug predicted by the pediatrician has passed us by.
Anytime I take one of those personality tests (the serious ones, not the ones involving movies or cocktails) I always get to that question about introversion — the one that runs something like “Are you always the first one in your circle to hear news, or are you the last one to find out about something?” — and I laugh and mark “STRONGLY AGREE” to “last to hear about anything.” I am always out of the loop, the last tendril on the grapevine. And my posts seem to reflect that.