
It was such a beautiful day. Mass at our Church is always intimate. What was really nice afterwards everyone left the Church (out of respect for the Blessed Sacrament) and the men all shook hands and wished each other a Happy Easter and the women wished each other Happy Easter also, some with hugs and kisses.
We went to my parents for dinner. I made a rhubarb pie with some strawberries in it. I made it with a lattice top. When I was done, it looked like I should put it on the window sill to cool. I didn’t though because I am not stupid, everytime you do that, someone, like an escaped convict or something sneaks up to the window sill and steals the pie.
My mother made a roast turkey breast and lots of veggies. Then we ate my pie and it was so delicious. I never had rhubarb before and was unsure what to expect because it’s like, well, a vegetable. I got many compliments on it however. My seventeen year old brother also commented on the fact that it looked like the type of pie you put on a windown sill to cool, but it is a good thing I didn’t because people lose more pies that way to Pie Thieves. I told him I was thinking the same thing!