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I would love to comment on the prayer service for women’s ordination but I have nothing intelligent to say on it — just a heavy sigh and a roll of my eyes. There is no logical way to approach this — it takes a real conversion of heart to realize that being ordained is not the same as applying for a job or for college. You don’t just walk up and say, “Here I am, I wanna stand in front of the church, wear a fancy stole, and order people around, ordain me.” It practically takes deprogramming to understand that men and women are different and manifest the image of God in different ways. We’re equal, yes, but not interchangeable, like the little pink and blue pegs in the Game of LIFE.
Is this another example of what Mark Shea calls Stockhom Syndrome in the Church (the laity identifying with heterodox formation)? Are these women and their supporters unwittingly buying into our culture’s rejection of true femininity — rejecting physical or spiritual maternity as “less than” spiritual paternity?