Garden Report

Garden Report
I went out and did a little work in the garden. I’m harvesting carrots now, and I think I’ll have enough basil for a batch of pesto this weekend — yum yum! The Roma tomatoes have lots of green fruit, and one tomato is starting to turn red. The Brandywine tomato is very tall now and has two green fruits. And — hooray! — no blossom end-rot! That blight took half my little crop last year. All that soil amendment and eggshell paid off.
I planted a watermelon for the heck of it and it is taking over its patch, so I made a little tent of poles for it to climb on. It has two fruit already that are about the size of bocce balls, and a few more little fruits the size of ping-pong balls. I’m still trying to grow those white eggplants. I have two plants that are still alive, but they haven’t set any fruit yet.
I consulted the planting guide that the state extension office sent me, and was full of chagrin to find that I’ve missed the target date for planting broccoli again! I should have started seeds for transplants a month ago. I may just try planting anyway and see if I get anything.
I do have a garden tragedy — three of my rhubarbs have withered away! I don’t know whether it’s the heat, or whether some of the weed killer my husband was using drifted over and killed them. How I hope they come back! But if they don’t, I’ll just try again next year — in a different spot. We are setting up a little bed near our shed, and that seems like it might be a nice spot. Meanwhile, I’ve written to ask the state extension office for advice. I hope they’ll have some encouraging news for me.