Sabbatical Starting tomorrow morning, I

Starting tomorrow morning, I am going to be taking a little break from the blogosphere for at least one week, maybe for two. I need to catch up on some projects, and it will be easier to avoid procrastination if I set a “no blogging, period!” rule for myself. (I will be checking email, in case someone needs get in touch with me to chastise me for miscopying a cookie recipe or or for whatever reason.)
I also want to humbly beg the assistance of St. Blog’s with another, more personal project.
A couple of weeks ago, when Sparki shared with us the happy news of her pregnancy, she also included a very gracious nod to women of St Blog’s who desired to conceive.
I am one of those women. I have occasionally alluded to the fact that I have polycystic ovarian syndrome, a hormonal disorder that makes conception difficult. When we were married, my husband and I dreamed of having a small army of children. We went through three years of infertility before Hambet was conceived. Now Hambet is two and a half. He needs brothers and sisters. I would be so grateful for prayers for our family, that God might grant us again the gift of life.
(A few weeks ago, Hambet was pointing out a baby he saw at the mall. I asked him, “Would you like a baby?” He seemed interested, so I asked again: “Would you like a baby in our family? A baby brother or sister?” He announced, quite firmly, “Baby sister!” So that is his intention. Hambet is exactly two and a half today.)