San Gennaro

I tried repeatedly on Friday to blog about one of my favourite saints, San Gennaro, or St. Januarius, but kept getting booted off the Internet. Grrr.
San Gennaro is the patron saint of Naples, which is where my grandmother’s family hails from. I suppose this is why most of the men in that side of the family are named Gennaro such as my great-grandfather, my father (although they gave him what they thought was a more anglocised version) and my son Posco’s middle name is Gennaro.
It is also a fun time of the year for New Yorkers, because in “little It-lee” in Manhattan they throw a big feast in honour of the saint. I have not been in years and vow to go each year. I have not mae it yet, but I have to really plan it I suppose.. I should mark my calendar for next year and start bugging dh now.

1 comment

  1. My favorite saint is San Gennaro too! My Great-Grandmother is from Naples to and my grandmother was just raised between there and another city in Italy called Genova. I’m so glad to see that other people out there love San Gennaro too! I used to tell this to my priest or friends and they would look at me and glace at me and say “Who?”
    Anyways, I’m glad there are other San Gennaro devotes like me out there! 🙂

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