Terri update

Check out the latest developments on the Terri Schiavo case!
There are two letters, from Bishops Paul Loverde of Arlington and Raymond J. Burke of LaCrosse, reiterating Catholic teaching on this issue:

“The inherent worth of the life of Theresa Schiavo obligates all concerned to provide her with care and support and to reject any omission of nutrition and hydration intended to cause her death.” –Bishop Paul S. Loverde

The site has also posted the latest documents from the Federal court hearing the case. Judge Lazarra has ordered transcripts of Michael Schiavo’s testimony from the 1992 Medical Malpractice suit, Mr. Schiavo’s rehabilitation experts at the same trial, and testimony from the September 15th hearing. (Adobe Acrobat needed to view.) He has also set October 10th as the date to consider the Schindlers’ case that Terri’s constitutional rights are being violated, and to consider guardianship issues.
I hope Cacciaguida and the Mighty Barrister will consider blogging a little more on this legal stuff. Does this mean that Governor Bush’s administration has the opportunity to intervene on Terri’s behalf? (or to intervene by not defending the Florida law?) Meanwhile, we can start another novena on October 1 — the feast of St Therese — or OCtober 2 — the feast of the Guardian Angels….

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